Savings Account


The easy and ethical way to make your savings go further. You can start saving from as little as £5.00 on a regular weekly/bi-weekly or monthly basis.

The Benefits of our Savings

Key features of our Savings Account

No transaction fees

No hidden charges

Save as much or as little as you like

Save on a weekly or fortnightly basis

Make deposits through a bank

Make deposits by standing order

Up to £85,000 of your savings are protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme

Start saving from as little as £5.00 weekly

Save with us today

Whatever you're saving for PCB can help. With our Savings Account we provide a safe option to make your savings go much further. Plus as we only serve our membership, as you save you're also helping build up a pool of funds that other members can benefit from.

Things to remember

There is no minimum age to start saving with us – however, you must be a member of the Pentecostal Community Bank.

We don’t pay a guaranteed interest rate on savings. Instead, we pay an annual dividend that is agreed by members at the Annual General Meeting.

Savings Account

Savings as shares in the PCB are a better way to save. You are not just another customer but an active member of a highly successful financial co-operative. Yes, you have a share in the ownership of the PCB. Along with having a say in the operation of the PCB you also earn dividends.

Members are asked to save regularly, and to cultivate a habit of saving. This pool of savings from members then becomes available for all members to draw on should they need money, subject to certain conditions.

You can start saving from as little as £5.00 on a regular weekly/bi-weekly or monthly basis, and savings can be deposited through your bank, or by sending in a cheque, or more conveniently by Standing Order. It is as simple as that!

Savings can be withdrawn at anytime subject to The Pentecostal Community Bank’s Rules. Members become eligible to apply for a loan on day one of membership, subject to credit and affordability checks.

Member’s savings are protected by the Financial Service Compensation Scheme (FSCS). The FSCS protects most depositors, including individuals and small companies, up to £85,000.