04 April 2022
Mental Health 'Hub and Spoke' Wandsworth
The Ethnicity and Mental Health Improvement Project (EMHIP)is a health and well being project initiated by and based at New Testament Assembly Tooting. The project is an attempt to reduce inequalities in access, experience and outcome of mental health care in South West London (Wandsworth, Tooting and Battersea).
EMHIP works in collaboration with South West London Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), South West London and St. George’s Mental Health NHS Trust and networks of Black Minority Ethnic (BME) voluntary, faith and community groups, organized via the non-profit Wandsworth Community Empowerment Network (WCEN).
As part of this partnership, they are aiming to set up a series of local hubs, the first hub - The New Testament Assembly Hub (NTA Hub) has been launched in Tooting.
We are pleased to announce that PCU have agreed to partner with this project as a local business operating in the area. This means that if in the course of our interaction with any member (who resides in the Wandsworth area) we are informed by them that they are experiencing symptoms of anxiety, depression or any other symptom of mental ill health, we can tell them about the Tooting Hub, give or send them some information about the project and invite them to visit.